We are delighted to offer this series of monthly conversations with pioneers serving the Common Good and actively sowing seeds of a better world at every opportunity.
We find ourselves in a period of transition between two Ages when old structures and beliefs are dying and new ones are emerging. Sometimes it is difficult to see the hope-filled shoots of new possibilities amid the disarray of a society in upheaval.
The intent behind this new series is more than just naming people and projects around the planet that are giving birth to hope – its deeper purpose is to create a portal through which the presence of Fiery Hope can enter and ignite the heart of our humanity. It is an invitation for us to act as true Gaians and be active agents of Hope wherever and whenever we find ourselves – encouraging us to step up and offer our unique gifts in response to the compelling call of the Soul and the urgent need of the times.
Our guests for the February 13th Signs of Hope broadcast are Laura Fredrickson (Author of “A Journey Back To Self”, and International Empowerment Specialist) and Mandy Kahn (Poet and Peace Advocate). Michael Lindfield hosted the session on behalf of Meditation Mount.
Duration: 61 Minutes

Laura Fredrickson
Laura Fredrickson is a Ted X Speaker, Soul Whisperer and Author of the Best Selling book – ‘A JOURNEY BACK TO SELF: For Those Who Have Lost Their Way’.
Laura has enriched the lives of thousands of people to include Victoria Secret Supermodels, Celebrities, UN Ambassadors and Global Leaders, and has served as a trusted advisor for executives and companies who are seeking to shift their challenges and setbacks into growth opportunities.
The loss of Laura’s parents to a dual suicide, as well as her own brush with suicide after losing everything in the tech collapse, were catalysts for Laura to redefine her life and sense of identity, and ultimately inform her life’s purpose to guide others who had lost their way.
Laura’s global mission is to awaken people to the true source of their freedom, fulfillment and well being, and to initiate a deep remembrance of their innate value and signature significance to this planet.
Laura possesses a rare blend of natural talent, timeless wisdom, and personal story. She has presented at events in company with Richard Branson, Filmmaker Gus Van Sant, Tim Ferriss, Tony Hsieh and Gabby Bernstein.
Laura is revered as one of the most influential thought leaders of our time.
Laura Fredrickson’s Best Selling book – ‘A JOURNEY BACK TO SELF’ is an opus to humanity and a work of heart, packed with SOULular nutrition for anyone seeking courage and support during times of Great Change.
Laura has transformed her trials and tribulations into enriching compost~ after losing both of her parents to a dual suicide, and having her own brush with suicide after losing everything in the dot com collapse. This enriching compost is sure to fertilize the minds and hearts of those that are ready to embark on their journey of renewal, recalibration and restoration, and cultivate a deep sense of hope, inspiration and empowerment.
‘A JOURNEY BACK TO SELF’ illuminates the subject of suicide and resolves the stigmatism associated with it, getting to the heart of the matter of the mental health crisis. Laura offers empowering practices and inspirational insights gleaned from her powerful journey, as well as the journey of others that she has interviewed: each imbued with SOULutions that will forever change the way you view yourself, your life and death.
‘A JOURNEY BACK TO SELF’ is a road map for navigating life and not getting lost in it’s many twists and turns or succumbing to the cul de sac of illusion. This is an owners manual to restore within humanity a remembrance of our immense, innate power and the supreme privilege of being human.

Mandy Kahn
Mandy Kahn is a poet and peace advocate based in Los Angeles.
Kahn is the author of two collections of poems—Glenn Gould’s Chair and Math, Heaven, Time—both from London-based poetry press Eyewear. Her work has been included in the Best American Poetry anthology series, and in former Poet Laureate Ted Kooser’s syndicated column American Life in Poetry.
In addition to writing books, Kahn regularly presents immersive poems: live works of literature that incorporate performance, audience participation and musical technique. In 2019, Kahn presented a program of immersive and interactive poems at the Getty Museum; her Getty presentation was called “Gateways to Peace,” and was performed by a cast of seven actors and three opera singers.
Kahn is the Writer-in-Residence at the Philosophical Research Society, a center for spiritual discourse founded in 1934 by wisdom scholar Manly P. Hall. She teaches a free, weekly online class on the nature of peace for the PRS called Peace Class, and regularly presents peace-building concerts on the grounds that features poetry, classical music and immersive performance.
She is the subject of Courtney Sell’s feature-length documentary “Peace Piece: The Immersive Poems of Mandy Kahn,” which was released by Indie Pix, and is available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, and elsewhere, and is also available as a DVD.
Kahn often collaborates to make new works that combine poetry and classical music. She’s made several works with Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Ellen Reid, including the opera Modern Odysseus. She was also a librettist for MacArthur grantee Yuval Sharon’s mobile opera Hopscotch.
She has given readings at Cambridge University, the London Review Bookshop and Shoreditch House in the UK, at Motto in Berlin, at Colette in Paris, at Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco, at the New School in New York, at the Barrick Museum in Las Vegas, and at many venues in Southern California.
Kahn has been interviewed by BBC Radio, the Los Angeles Review of Books and Flaunt magazine, among others, and she is the recipient of the 2018 Shakespeare Prize in Poetry. The Shakespeare Prize is awarded annually to a poet or playwright based in the county of Los Angeles; other recipients include Tom Stoppard, Ray Bradbury and Dana Gioia.
Mandy Kahn lives in Los Angeles, where she was also born and raised. She holds a B.A. in English from UC Berkeley and considers herself profoundly Californian.

Michael Lindfield
Board President – Meditation Groups Inc.
Michael is a highly regarded consultant and coach helping unleash the creativity of the human spirit to meet the needs of our times and the call of the future. He learned his craft from a range of experiences that include: a 14-year residency as a gardener and as Director of Education at the Findhorn Community in Scotland; small-scale organic farming in western Sweden; conducting seminars and presenting at conferences around the world on the theme of ‘transforming self and society’ and as a senior organization development consultant with The Boeing Company from 1989-2005.