Sun, Mar 03
|Live-Stream Broadcast via Zoom
View From the Mount: A Monthly Global Gathering
Each month we gather to explore a specific theme that is relevant to the continuing unfolding of the Soul and to uncover how this relates to what is actually happening in our world as part of the needed transition into a more soul-inspired society based on spiritual values and principles.
Time & Location
Mar 03, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Live-Stream Broadcast via Zoom
About the event
We warmly welcome your participation in the View from the Mount broadcast to be held on Sunday, March 3rd at 6:00 PM PST. We will continue our exploration of the theme, ‘Navigating by the Light of the Soul’, that began four weeks ago.
Last time, we observed that humanity has reached an evolutionary watershed moment – a critical collective choice point where we either continue to be entrapped and suffocated in materialism or can dare to liberate ourselves from the prison of fear and separation and seek freedom from our unhealthy addictions so the light of our Soul may illumine the path ahead.
The Trans-Himalayan Mystery tradition (the lineage upon which Meditation Mount is founded) postulates that the potential demise of humanity can be averted if three ‘truths’ are acknowledged and steadfastly applied as guiding principles.  These ‘Three Recognitions’ are:
1. Â Â Â The fact of the Soul as our essential nature and true guiding light Â
2.    The existence of the Realm of the Soul as an embodied field of over-lighting and all-embracing     leadership, love, and wisdomÂ
3. Â Â Â A Divine Plan that contains the purpose, promise, and destiny of humankind in the same way a seed contains the promise and pattern of the flower-to-be. Â
Earlier, we covered the first two recognitions and this broadcast will focus on the third: namely, the nature of a Divine Plan and our active participation in its outworking.Â
Among several avenues of inquiry, we will address how the proposition of a pre-determined future can co-exist with the principle of free will without compromising our individual freedom of choice and whether the compelling call of the Divine Plan constitutes an unwelcome imposition on our personal life or is really a joyful invitation to reveal our unique talents and qualities that will contribute to the revelation of a larger Planetary Vision?
In these confusing and turbulent times, we need the guiding light of the Soul to wisely navigate our way into a more joyful and illumined future.
We welcome your presence and participation in this online broadcast.Â
Live Online Broadcast
This is for attending the Live Online Broadcast of "View From The Mount". A link for viewing will be sent in the confirmation email! This event is offered as a gift for you. You are invited to support Meditation Mount's Mission, which allows us to continue offering online and future on-site experiences, by making a donation here.
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