On January 8th our beloved friend and co-worker Joe Mixer passed away. He graced our fair planet for 94 years through a life committed to serving others.
Joe was the nephew of Meditation Mount founder Florence Garrigue and became intimately involved in the early days of establishing the Mount as a Center of Light. We remember Joe for his qualities of selflessness, generosity and constant optimism and many is the time when he would encourage us with a rousing cry of, “Oh be joyful!”
Joe gave in so many ways – working diligently with his Aunt Florence in the pioneering days, serving several terms on the Board, contributing time and energy to address the operational needs of a growing organization, offering timely words of wisdom as well as through his frequent and generous financial donations.
We count ourselves blessed and honored to have known Joe and to have served alongside him. Joe will be missed and yet his legacy lives on. The group gathered here at Meditation Mount is committed to carrying on the work that Joe and his colleagues helped to inaugurate all those years ago.
May you navigate safely by the bright light of the Soul as you journey back home into the subtle Realms. Godspeed Joe.