Greetings Meditation Mount Friend!
Thank you again for your involvement and interest in Meditation Mount. I’m writing to update you on the Mount and to invite you to visit again. As President of the Board of Directors, I am often asked to speak on behalf of the Mount and to share about Creative Meditation and the Pathways and Principles central to the work of our 49-year-old project. In this season of Holy Days, it is a pleasure to share some thoughts on the significance of Meditation Mount.
A Center of Planetary Service
Meditation Mount is a Center of Planetary Service – a place of peaceful inspiration where you are welcomed to develop a deeper relationship with your Essential Self. It is a sacred space for appreciating the beauty and coherence of all life.
The Mount invites you to dream, imagine and articulate the design of a new world founded upon spiritual principles and values through the practical application of creative meditation in daily living.
Meditation Mount is a refuge for regeneration of the spirit and a beacon of fiery hope in a world that yearns for a more light-filled and loving approach to living together.
It is a portal of emergence for touching and living these collective dreams.
As we come to terms with the trauma of natural disasters and the falling away of outworn aspects of our society, Meditation Mount offers a safe place for inner healing and a spiritual environment in which something new can be birthed in our personal lives, our communities and in the heart of humanity. All of our programs and offerings will support the renaissance of the Soul so that we may emerge into a New Era of Light. As a beacon of that Light, Meditation Mount is here to serve the promise of the future in the present.
We welcome your engagement with us in this essential and inspiring endeavor.
In the new year, we will be inviting you to join with us in this renewal and vision of the future through:
• Curated Small Group Tours to experience the re-flowering of the Mount: Sign Up to Be Invited! • Creative Meditation at the Mount (and Online) as well as through Sound, Singing, and Movement activities • Live-streamed monthly Meditations from our Auditorium • Personal times of inner stillness and reflection inside The Garden of Peace We invite your participation as co-creators in the rebirth of Meditation Mount after the Thomas Fire to come and learn more about our process of renewal and to join with us in collectively re-imagining a preferred new world. In Love and Joyful Service,
Michael Lindfield President, Board of Directors